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آموزشی > Animals Vocabulary Chant for Kids - ELF Learning - ELF Kids Videos [1cceb2aef]

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70 نمایش
افزوده شده در آموزشی


Learn 24 English animals vocabulary with this short and effective video from ELF Learning for babies, toddlers, preschool and kindergarten children. Watch as many times as they need to learn all the animals. Great for the preschool, kindergarten or ESL/EFL classroom! Click here to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/omigrad?sub_confirmation=1 Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elflearning G : https://plus.google.com/ ELFKidsVideos Twitter: https://twitter.com/ELFLearning Get our 1st CD - L


برچسب: efl, elf, elf learning

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